C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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193 lines
/* (#) VALVE --> Pass or WOM stdin => stdout. Trip on NL or Specified CHR$.
* Author: J.Ekwall 23 November 1987.
* Copyrighted to the Public Domain. Unlimited Distribution Autorized.
* User Assumes All Risks/Liabilities.
* Last Update: 5 December 89/EK
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdek.h>
char *Documentation[] = {
" Valve [options] [filename] --> Control Text Flow.",
" /An ---> Trip on the \"n\"th Trigger Character. [D:1]",
" /B ----> Block Text Until Triggered.",
" /Cc ---> Trigger on 'c' vice NL. 'c' is any Printable.",
" or $$ or $### (3 Decimal Digits) for any ASCII.",
" /F ----> FIFO for Lines. Pops Top Line Each Call.",
" /Hn ---> Pass Head (Top) n Lines. [D:10]",
" /I ----> Initial Character Trips. (Ignore Everything Else).",
" /C option Required.",
" /J ----> Jog. (Trip Twice & Hold Initial State).",
" /L-----> LIFO for Lines. Pops Last Line Each Call.",
" /Tn ---> Pass Tail (Bottom) n Lines. [D:10]",
" /V ----> Verbose. Echo Text to CRT Until Triggered.",
" Valve defaults to a Filter. $Pipes are Legal in filename.",
" After Loading, Repeated /F or /L Calls Pop Lines until Stack/Queue ",
"is Empty. Text is Stored in the Named Pipe, $VALV.",
/* Define Constants */
#define PIPE "\\STD VALV"
#define PUKA "\\STD VPUK" /* "Puka" Hawaiia for Pigeon Hole */
/* Declare Globale */
int CleanUp, Flow_Mode;;
char Name[80];
FILE *fp = stdin;
/* Declare ProtoTypes */
void Usage(void);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int c, i, n, Count = 0, NL_Flag, Trip_Chr = NL;
int Echo = FALSE, Flow = TRUE, Save = FALSE, Tail = FALSE, Ignore = FALSE;
int Jog = FALSE, Fifo = FALSE, Lifo = FALSE, Lines_Only = FALSE;
char *tp1;
FILE *wfp;
/* Set Option Flags */
while (*argv[1] IS SLASH) {
for (tp1 = argv[1] + 1; *tp1 != NULL; ) {
switch (toupper(*tp1++)) {
case 'A': /* Action Skip Count */
if (Count > 0) Usage();
for (Count = 0; (*tp1 >= '0') && (*tp1 <= '9'); tp1++)
Count = 10 * Count + *tp1 - 48;
if (Count > 0) --Count;
case 'B': Flow = FALSE; break; /* Block to Start */
case 'C': /* Trigger Character Change */
if ((c = (BYTE) *tp1++) IS '$') {
for (c = 0; (*tp1 >= '0') && (*tp1 <= '9'); tp1++)
c = 10 * c + *tp1 - 48;
if ((c IS 0) && (*tp1 IS '$')) { c = '$'; tp1++; }
Trip_Chr = c; if (Trip_Chr IS 0) Usage();
case 'F': Fifo = Save = Lines_Only = TRUE; break;
case 'H': /* Head */
Lines_Only = TRUE;
for (Count = -1; (*tp1 >= '0') && (*tp1 <= '9'); tp1++)
Count = 10 * Count + *tp1 - 48;
if (Count < 0) Count = 9;
case 'I': Ignore = TRUE; break;
case 'J': Jog = TRUE; break;
case 'L': Lifo = Save = Lines_Only = Tail = TRUE; break;
case 'T': /* Tail */
Tail = Lines_Only = TRUE;
for (Count = 0; (*tp1 >= '0') && (*tp1 <= '9'); tp1++)
Count = 10 * Count + *tp1 - 48;
if (Count IS 0) Count = 10;
case 'V': /* Verbose */
Echo = TRUE; break;
fprintf(stderr,"\nInvalid Option [%s].\n\n",argv[1]);
/* SHIFT */
for (i = 1, --argc; i < argc + 1; i++) argv[i] = argv[i+1];
/* Validate Options & Flags */
if (Fifo && Lifo) Usage();
if (Jog && (Lifo || Fifo)) Usage();
if ((Trip_Chr != NL) && Lines_Only) Usage();
if ((Trip_Chr IS NL) && Ignore) Usage();
if (argc > 2) Usage();
/* Open Specified File (If Any) */
if (argc IS 2)
if (*argv[1] IS '$') {
strcpy(Name,"\\STD "); strcat(Name,++argv[1]);
if ((fp = fopen(Name,"r")) IS NULL) { perror(Name); exit(1); }
CleanUp = TRUE;
} else {
if ((fp = fopen(Name,"r")) IS NULL) { perror(Name); Usage(); }
CleanUp = FALSE;
/* Check for Piping */
if (!Save && !INFLOW_EXISTS && (fp IS stdin)) Usage();
/* Set Up Streams & Pigeon Holes */
if ((Save) && !(INFLOW_EXISTS) && (fp IS stdin))
if ((fp = fopen(PIPE,"r")) IS NULL) exit(0);
if (Tail || Save) { /* Stuff Pigeon Hole File */
if (Tail) {
Count = -(++Count); Flow = !Flow; if (Fifo || Lifo) Count--; }
if ((wfp = fopen(PUKA,"w")) IS NULL) { perror(PUKA); exit(1); }
while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
if ((c IS Trip_Chr) && (Tail)) Count++; /* Figure Offset fm SOF */
fclose(fp); fclose(wfp);
if ((fp = fopen(PUKA,"r")) IS NULL) { perror(PUKA); exit(1); }
if (Save) if ((wfp = fopen(PIPE,"w")) IS NULL) { perror(PIPE); exit(1); }
/* Perform Pass/Block Action */
for (NL_Flag = TRUE; (c = getc(fp)) != EOF ; NL_Flag = (c IS NL)) {
if (c IS Trip_Chr) {
if (!NL_Flag && Ignore) Count++;
if (Count-- IS 0) {
if (Trip_Chr IS NL) { /* Terminate Hanging Line */
if (Flow IS TRUE) putchar(c);
if ((!Flow) && (Save)) putc(c,wfp);
if (Echo) putc(c,stderr);
Echo = FALSE;
if ((Flow = !Flow) IS FALSE)
if (!Save && !Jog) break;
if (Jog) {Jog = FALSE; Count = 0; }
if (Flow IS TRUE) putchar(c);
if ((!Flow) && (Save)) putc(c,wfp);
if (Echo) putc(c,stderr);
/* CleanUp & Split */
if (CleanUp IS TRUE) { fclose(fp); unlink(Name); }
if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); unlink(PUKA); }
if (wfp != NULL) { /* Zip MT Pipes */
if ((fp = fopen(PIPE,"r")) != NULL) {
c = getc(fp); fclose(fp); if (c IS EOF) unlink(PIPE); }
void Usage(void)
char **dp = Documentation;
for ( ; *dp; dp++) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", *dp);